Monica Richards
"Monica Richards is the Original Riot Grrrl and the Fairytale Queen all rolled up into one unbelievably talented artist. She belongs in the Avante Garde of today's music, forever changing, evolving, true to herself." - a lovely quote from an old fan magazine.
One truly appreciates Monica Richards not just for her unmistakeable style but for the heart she puts in her work. Best known for her musical work as half of the critically acclaimed duo, Faith and the Muse, Monica is a long-time musician and songwriter who also happens to be a visual artist, graphic designer as well as a writer. Much of the spectrum of her creative work is centered around the Feminine and the Familiar: Matriarchal mythological themes with all the cultural echoes and seasonal faces they present.
New Designs
We’ve decided to partner with FourthWall to bring back many original Faith & the Muse designs. With printing partners across the globe in the USA, UK, EU, and AUS for beautifully made t-shirts and all kinds of apparel, I've been unearthing my original art and design to fulfill many eras from the band, as well as my own solo albums and design work. Ordering from this site will allow you to get low-cost, fast shipping wherever you live. Thank you for supporting!
Monica Richards